9 September - 18 October 2015

9.09 - 18.10 2015










Satellite Events

1st Year students: shelter READER, Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture and Urban Design

Time: 31.08-05.10
Location: Tallinn City Centre, Harju Street

Event: exhibition


Time: 03.09-15.09
Location: Design and Architecture Gallery, Pärnu mnt 6  

3D Lab (3DL) from the Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) presents an exhibit "3DL - Architectural Algorithms and Ideas in Space " coinciding with TAB, showing new directions and technologies related to architecture. The exhibit will open on September 3rd at 18.00 at Architecture and Design Gallery, and will remain until September 15th. For those interested, there will be a tour organised during TAB.

Event: exhibition

Tour: Tallinn Architecture Bureaus

Time: 09.09.2015; 11:00-16:00

Tallinn architecture studios open their doors to TAB guests and participants - TAB wants to offer visitors and local architecture friends an insight how the best local architects spend their working hours.

This time, the tour will be on self-driving mode - you can visit as many offices as you feel like or only one.

Schedule and participating studios:

11.00-11.30 - Arhitektuuribüroo Pluss (Pärnu mnt 141, 9th floor)
11.50-12.30 - TTK University of Applied Sciences BIM CAVE (Pärnu mnt 62, room nr 213)
12.45-13.15 - Emil Urbel (Kentmanni 15-1)
13.30-14.00 - KOKO (Tartu mnt 84A, Fahle Building, the side that faces Statoil, please ring the bell, 4th floor)
14.30-15.00 - Kuu arhitektid (Kopli 25, 8th floor)
15.15-15.45 - Kodasema (Põhja pst 31A, in front of Kultuurikatel)

Moderator: Rebecca Kontus

Event: tour

Award Ceremony: The Best of Masters and the Best of Bachelors 2015 of Baltic States architecture students

Time: 10.09, 18:00

The best graduation projects of architecture students of Baltic States.

Event: presentation

Installation: ON+ OFF. (Dis-)Embarking Rhythms of Transient Communities

Time: 10.09-20.09

Set up in the public space of the Tallinn harbour area, this intervention is both a part of a research project and a contribution to the satellite programme of the Tallinn Architecture Biennale "TAB 2015 Self-Driven City". A conventional trailer for boats has been adapted for use as a part of a mobile research lab, e.g. as a drawing board for large-scale two-dimensional mappings done on tour or, in this case, as a supporting structure for a larger scale three-dimensional installation. On the macro-level this network installation represents an abstract map of the paths of individuals travelling from their departure point to their target destination with a ferry line operating regularly between Tallinn and Helsinki.

opening reception / installation / bus tour and public workshop

KODA house. Come by and have a chat with us

Time: 11-13.09; 13:00-22:00

What if you looked at the construction business from a fresh angle? What if you looked at a house as a whole and not as a complicated aggregation of ventilating shafts, glazed tiles, grout and silicate. What would our houses look like if architects and designers, engineers and builders, academics and practitioners all worked together towards the same goal, in the same spacetime?

We built the KODA house thinking about these questions, about all these "what if’s".

Events: showing / cafe / talk: Hannes Tamjärv / talk: Taavi Jakobsontalk: Marek Strandbergsounds

Exhibition: Contemporary Danish Architecture

Time: 12.09-25.10, 07:00-22:00

Throughout the 20th century, architectural masterminds such as Jørn Utzon, Arne Jacobsen and Johan von Spreckelsen developed a strong identity in Danish architecture, built around an idiom that was minimalist, clean and functional.

Today, these same values continue and in addition the Danish architects over the past 20 to 30 years have increased focus on delivering solutions that are not only functional and beautiful, but are also sustainable.

The projects included in this exhibition are all examples of contemporary, sustainable architecture by Danish firms that merge functionality and aesthetics.

The exhibition is open in the tunnel under Vabaduse Square, Tallinn, from 12th September to 25th October at 7-22 every day.

Event: exhibition

Exhibition - New Architects: Ireland

Time: 12.09.2015-27.09.2015

New Architecture: Ireland is a traveling architecture exhibition that presents the work of six young Irish offices that have emerged during the recent economic crisis. Ireland’s financial woes during this period are well documented and this has had an enormous impact on the construction and design sector. This shift has forced architects/designers to refocus and in this way these bleak times have produced new offices and ways of thinking.

Event: exhibition

TAB workshop. Kohila-Vision. Tööstuse Street

Time: 18.09-20.09
Location: Kohila Library, Tööstuse 4A, Kohila

The workshop focuses on the future of Tööstuse Street in the historical centre of Kohila.

How to organize contemporary transportation system, heritage protected boulevard and the cultural courtyard in the heart of the historical manor as a whole? How to plan and design the environment, taking into account all these different goals in one solution?

Event: workshop

Exhibition: "Architecture with People"

Time: 19.09-07.11

Architecture is for people. It sets the framework for our lives and meets some of our most basic needs. In order to create architecture for people it has to be created with people. That means making design a democratic process in which architects engage in a dialogue with citizens, professionals and institutions. This allows architecture to meet the needs of the users and also take into account possible needs of the future, thereby promoting a high degree of sustainability.

Danish architecture is all about creating settings that make people feel safe, generate new opportunities and encourage diversity. It is about focusing strongly on environmental and social sustainability and most importantly, it is about putting people first.

Event: exhibition

Inspiration Lunch TAB edition: Public art – why and to whom?

Time: 24.09.2015; 11:30-16:30

The seminar introduces the percent-for-art principle; how it has been undertaken and how it could be developed. Professionals from Estonia, Sweden and Finland will share their experiences and a wide range of cases and possibilities will be discussed.

Moderator: Veronika Valk

Event: seminar

Exhibition: "9 Conditions of Riga: Regeneration and Transformation of the City – Urban Environment and Architecture"

Time: 08.10-29.10 / Opening of the exhibition: October 8th,17:00

The exhibition "9 Conditions of Riga" contributes to the overall theme of the biennale "Self Driven Cities" by questioning whether and how the very inhabitants or the 'self' of the city can actually maintain and influence or rather ‘drive’ the politics of the built environment and the city.

Event: exhibition / seminar