9 September - 18 October 2015

9.09 - 18.10 2015











Dance Performance bodyBUILDINGbody

Dance Performance

Museum of Estonian Architecture, Ahtri 2

From:19:00 17.09.2015

To:20:00 17.09.2015

The performative dance piece bodyBUILDINGbody is taking palce in the context of the Tallinn Architecture Biennale "Body Building" exhibition and will create a sensational-spatial collage between dance, sounds, video and the installations of the exhibition.

It is a sensuous space that invites the viewer at the heart of the situation , but leaves the freedom to move around as in a usual exhibition. The performance guides senses with heightened sensitivity to wonder around and reveal the invisible – layers, conditions, relationships between human bodies and objects. In the core of everything is the moving and reactive body, which in conjunction with its environment- sounds, bodies, video, materiality and space- highlights sensational and perceptional processes and experiences. It is a constructed and raw landscape of sensations.

Maarja Tõnisson is a freelance dance artist. She graduated choreography from the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy and studied at the University of the Arts Berlin (HZT). In February 2015 her first solopiece "bodySHIFTbody" was premiered at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, which was also the first collaboration with Tanel V Kulla. Maarja´s creation explores the body-mind relationship, searching for kinesthetic empathy and synesthetic sensations.

Performances on 17.09 and 01.10 at the Museum of Estonian Architecture.

Performance: Maarja Tõnisson
Sound composer, live electronics: Tanel V Kulla
Video: Hannes Aasamets
Producer: Helen Sürje
Curators: Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam
Co-producer: Eesti Arhitektuurikeskus
Supported by: Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum, Kultuuriministeerium, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tallinna linn, Velux, Silberauto, Sportland, Viru Keskus, DSV, Würth, Narvo, Mountain Loghome, Sadolin, Mööblimeister.
Duration: 50'

Tickets from Piletilevi.

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